From planning to promotion to guest check-in, everything is 100% by and for the love of design. And we’d love your help to make it happen. No previous experience necessary, only enthusiasm and a willingness to work hard to elevate design in Alaska.
Who joins the board?
- Graphic designers
- People who work with designers
- People who love design
Why join the board?
- Meet and work with other creatives
- Experience you can add to your resume
- Professional development
- Free attendance to select events
- Good karma!
Board members are expected to:
- attend monthly board meetings
- submit status reports
- help organize and attend events
- contribute ideas for events that further our mission
- perform duties specific to their board role
To be eligible to join the board, you must:
- be an active member of AIGA Alaska at the supporting level or higher
- must be good stewards of AIGA’s Standards of Professional Practice
You can nominate a trusted peer or your trusted self. Tell us:
- Which position you are interested in or your peer would be great at
- What skills you or your peer has that are relative to the position
- Why you or your peer would like to be on the AIGA Alaska board of directors
- One thing you or your peer hope to learn from being on the board
Portfolio Review Chair
- Work with the Education Director to plan and coordinate the Annual Portfolio Review
Design Competition Co-Chair
- Work with the board a design competition committee to:
- Plan and coordinate The BIG One call for entries, judging, and awards ceremony
- Develop competition rules
- Coordinate entries
- Find, secure, and communicate with judges
- Work with communications team to promote and market call for entries, judges, and the awards ceremony
- Oversee event art, website, mailing, awards, etc
Social Media Chair
- Work with the Communications Director to maintain and manage the Chapter’s presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn
- Plan, write, and post to promote events
- Share articles, resources, and relevant local events
Partner Chair
- Work with the Sponsorship Director to:
- Secure chapter and event sponsors/partners
- Track and ensure sponsors/partners receive benefits per their sponsorship level
- Coordinate AIGA presence at sponsor/partner events (such as the WCP Solutions Paper Show) as necessary
In-House Chair
- Work with the board to develop social and educational events of interest to in-house designers
Board Member at-Large
- Take on events and/or tasks in support of board goals or propose and coordinate your own