AIGA Alaska June Board Meeting

Have an idea? Want to see behind the scenes? Stop by and join the conversation. Open to members and non-members, professionals, and students. This month we will be finalizing the 2020-2021 Board of Directors slate—nominations to join the Board are still welcomed.

All board members have an equal vote. Key differences in director positions versus chair positions are the term lengths and membership level requirements. Directors are required to be an AIGA member at the supporting level or higher and agree to a two-year term. Chairs may be at any AIGA membership level and agree to one year of service. Volunteer opportunities are always available to anyone who may be interested—member or not—with no term commitment.

We have seats available across all categories: Education, Membership, Partnership, Programming, and Communications.

E-mail for more information and to submit nominations.

When & Where
Wed, Jun 17, 2020 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM AKDT