After Hours by Design

ALL creatives are welcome.

Need an outlet to connect, network, talk shop, or commiserate with other designers? Try After Hours by Design, an informal gathering open to everyone involved with the Alaska design community.

Not a member? That's okay! This is our free monthly meetup for ANYONE to attend and talk design, or design-adjacent topics. Additionally, we welcome any input or ideas to enhance our local programs and community resources.

There's no agenda but encouraged chat topics may include:

  • Peer Review: Advice on portfolios, projects, or other career prospects...
  • Resources: Vendor recommendations, education, business development...
  • Jobs: Who's hiring and what's trending in the workplace...
  • Tips & Tricks: Product updates or general nuggets of wisdom...

RSVP is optional but recommended in case of announcements or (on rare occurrences) cancelation via email or the Eventbrite app. Alternatively, find us on Facebook for real-time event updates and general information:

Will this be your first AIGA Alaska event? Get in touch beforehand and we'll keep an eye out for you—email

ABOUT AIGA ALASKA: AIGA advances design as a professional craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force. As the largest community of design advocates, we bring together practitioners, enthusiasts, and patrons to amplify the voice of design and create the vision for a collective future. We define global standards and ethical practices, guide design education, enhance professional development, and make powerful tools and resources accessible to all. Visit

NOTE: While the event is FREE, attendees are responsible for their tabs.

After Hours by Design artwork designed by Lance Lekander.

When & Where
Wed, Dec 10, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM AKST
W xyz Lounge
310 West 36th Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99503